Hair Transplant
The hair transplantation procedure with the FUE method, despite being announced...
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Follicular Unit Excision (FUE), formerly called Follicular Unit Extraction, is a method of extracting, or “harvesting,” donor hair in a follicular unit hair transplant procedure. In FUE hair transplant surgery, an instrument is used to make a small, circular incision in the skin around a follicular unit, separating it from the surrounding tissue. The unit is then extracted (pulled) directly from the scalp, leaving a small open hole.
This process is repeated until the hair transplant surgeon has harvested enough follicular units for the planned hair restoration. This process can take one or more hours and in more than one session, may be accomplished over two consecutive days. The donor wounds, approximately 1-mm in size, completely heal over the course of seven to ten days, leaving tiny white scars buried in the hair in the back and sides of the scalp.
Normal hair density – in individuals not suffering from hair loss – is somewhere between 80-100 follicular units per square centimetre of the scalp. Thinning is not visually obvious until approximately 50% of the native density has shed. This means transplanting between 45-55 follicular units per square centimetre during hair restoration procedures is normally sufficient.
Implanting at densities of 80-100 follicular unit per square centimetre (“normal” hair density) is usually never done. This happens for several reasons: 1. because it is not necessary and wastes finite grafts; 2. because implanting at this density may overwhelm the blood supply and cause shock loss in the surrounding native hairs; 3. because severe damage or diversion of the scalp blood supply can potentially cause necrosis or other serious issues.
Because of this, the maximum density achievable with hair transplant surgery is usually somewhere below natural hair density. While most surgeons will transplant somewhere between 45-65 grafts per square centimetre, some will implant at slightly higher densities. These surgeons will only do so when they are certain they will not overwhelm the scalp blood supply or cause excessive shock loss.
We use the last method ever used for hair transplant (FUE method), with minimal pain no leaving scars, professional work. (The transplanted hair guaranteed for life).
The surgery starts with a haircut and the extraction of the hair follicles from your donor area and completes with the insertion of the hair follicles into your scalp on the needed areas. Hair follicles are extracted from the donor area homogeneously so the donor site will not be noticeable after the surgery. Individual follicles are extracted under local anaesthesia by a microblade using tiny punches of between 0.6mm and 0,7mm in diameter. There are no incisions, but small punches by the microblade so there won’t be any scarring, pain is minimized and the recovery time is fairly short (less than a week). Above 95% of the transplanted hair will grow and results are permanent because transplanted hair is not subject to the effects of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the hormone causing hair. The skills demonstrated by the trichologists are key to the success of the procedure, especially while extracting the follicles without damaging the hair and planting the hair with the right density and at the right angle to the surface of your scalp to achieve a natural look.